Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Photo finish

A wonderful Easter finished with a bank holiday Monday of lovely warm sunshine; so we headed off to Wisley for the first time in ages and enjoyed a walk in the sunshine. I have never seen so many buggies as the yummy mummies and daddies (and grandyummymummies and grandyummiedaddies) of Surrey were out in force - quite literally. When I had young children the buggy was a relatively small affair that you had enough room for a child and some nappies and wipes and, of you were lucky, space to stow a packed lunch. These days they are four wheel drives the size of golf carts, with the baby an insignificant object surrounded by enough padding, aluminium tubes and compartments to undertake a journey to the stars. Get half a dozen of those in your path and you feel very intimidated.

Fortunately Wisley is big enough to handle crowds so we managed to avoid most of the bratpack brigade (sorry - no-one is grumpier about kids than people whose kids have grown up) and enjoy the magnificent blossom. TSM took this shot of a bee going about its business. There were lots of bees around today. And an inflatable gold bunny about eight feet tall, but best not to dwell on him.

Did some garden tidying when we got back and actually sat out in the sun and enjoyed the fresh air in our own back yard. Great finish to the weekend. Can't remember when I last enjoyed an Easter more.

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