Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It's complicated

when your egg doesn't fit the cup. Even more so when the egg is stuffed full of coffee beans.

Very nice Easter Sunday. Slept late, loving the more relaxed starts. Family roast dinner followed by four adults sitting and watching Paddington The Movie without a kid in sight. TSM tried painting a coffee table, got bored, got paint in her hair, yelled when a cat's paw got involved, left me to clean the brushes. I started tacking cables to the wall, got bored, finished it anyway.

Had a sudden pang of missing The Girl Racer during the afternoon. 

We were going to go for a walk but it clouded over - honestly guv. May watch another movie tonight. But the temperature has dropped so need to whack the heating up. It ain't summer yet ...

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