The early days of a better nation

We went up to the allotment and managed to do a longer shift than on Friday,  but still not match fit in digging terms. It was nice that the lovely weather brought out some of our allotment neighbours whom we hadn't seen for months, particularly Eric who told us that Isobel is finally on the mend. He hadn't been up to his plot for ages, so was digging up lots of over-sized leeks and neeps and generously gave us several! C & K were there too, C very matter of fact about his recent PET scan and the radiotherapy he needs as a result. He pointed out that things could be worse.

Later on we went to the launch of Stewart Bremner's book, about his work on the "Yes" campaign. There were lots of people there - the photo was of a rare quiet moment when we found ourselves in Greg Moodie corner. You can see Mr H was already clutching his signed copy. Excellent stuff all round! Oh, and we were able to share some of Eric's surplus veg with etherghost. :-)

Now for a bath before I seize up completely.

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