
An early start today to drop Bailey off at the vets for 8am. He survived his pre-med better than I did and was more than happy to go off with the nurse. I then spent the day distracting myself with jobs that are best avoided when Bailey is around: hoovering, shopping and cutting out a sewing pattern. 

We went to collect him at 2.30 and got lots of instructions about what to do with him for the next few days. The biggest issue is his cone of shame - or Elizabethan collar to give it its official name. He hates it and has done his best to shake it off and look sad enough for it to be taken off. But it is staying on - although not perhaps for the 10 days that has been prescribed and not in its present form because I have ordered an inflatable one from Amazon which looks altogether better, more comfortable and less of an instrument of torture and killjoyism. Fingers crossed for speedy delivery.

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