Lala's Journal

By Lala


Today was the first time we viewed any properties. The house we have lived in for the last 35 years was once owned by the GLC and we bought it from them under the 'right to buy' scheme of the 70s and 80s. So this was a whole new experience for us.

We had 7 viewings booked in at Greatstone, Littlestone and Lydd-on-Sea. It would have been easy if there were 2/3 in each place and then move on to the next area, but the viewings were booked with 3 different agents so we started in Littlestone, on to Greatstone, back to Littlestone and so on!

So, did we see anything interesting? In summary, we saw one that was actually in the best location, but was also too big a project as everything needed attention. I would have loved this 15 years ago, but at my age and still working full time it was a tad too much. It was also greatly over priced. We saw one that we could afford if we are prepared to have nothing left to fall back on and actually was so much the lady's pride and joy it was 'too beautiful' and we both felt a little uncomfortable in her 'show' home. On to the third where we spent 10 minutes banging on the window until we woke the elderly gentleman we could see in the armchair fast asleep. He came to the door, clearly not quite on the same planet as us and denied knowledge of any viewing. He asked us to come another time and was obviously very confused. Having phoned the agent who tried to phone the gentleman without success we decided to leave it unviewed. Next, a house that was just not for us and smelt of the three dogs that lived there, and a house that we both loved with huge hallway and beautiful inglenook fireplace in the lounge, but sadly a tiny spiral staircase that would not have suited B's RA. Another bungalow that we liked at Lydd-on-Sea but just had too many of the 'nos' from our list. On a main road, further along the coast, no mains gas. My brother has advised that if there are more than 2 of the things you would not like at a house, even if you love the rest of it, you probably won't in 2 years time.

The one that we both liked very much and which although right at the top of our budget, was actually the second one we looked at. It has been on the market since Christmas and has been on my 'saved' list since then. If we sell our house soon , we will certainly go and look again.

A busy and full day and the only photo I took was this one when we arrived 20 minutes early at one house and went for a quick look at the beach.

We did make some decisions, B had really wanted a sea view, and there were several to choose from, but sea view means main road and we both agreed it was too noisy and intrusive on the sea view. We really don't want bottled gas, but can cope with a septic tank!

Expecting the photos of our house tomorrow but for now house hunting will wait until we have some idea of how long it will take for ours to sell.

Last day off tomorrow so hoping for the sun to stay shining.

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