Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Spring floral collage.

We are blessed with fantastic warm, sunny weather.
Blipblip hooray!
This is my idea of heaven, and the Spring flowers are making it perfect.
I did my housework early on in the morning, and then went by train to Accrington to buy wool from Wilko, and a birthday card to put by for Mum's birthday in May.
I then walked to Oswaldtwistle Mills, browsed in the Garden Centre, and sought help with my Gardenia, which is suffering from leaf scale.
It is not a happy bunny.
The lady in the Garden Centre suggested using a chemical spray, but I do not like using such methods. Will hope the soapy water works.
I was also looking at herbs suitable for a garden with a lot of shade.
 Pineapple mint is a good choice.
The collage is mostly of flowers in my neighbourhood.

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