
By HelsWels79

Michael's funeral

Drove to Lincoln for my cousin's funeral. It's a bit of a trek over there so we got in a bit early to explore a little. I mooched with mum, dad, sis and Granny and have decided I'd like to go back some day cause I liked what I saw.

The plan had been for Dad to take Ben off during the funeral but that plan seemed to change on the day and Ben stayed with us with colouring pens and a book making things a lot more stressful for me. Anyway he was really good and managed to keep quiet most the service before needing the loo and Dad took him out.

My cousin was a rugby coach and a doorman in Lincoln so was a well known and much loved face in the city and the turnout for his funeral was immense. The dress code was rugby tops and flip flops and most made the effort which was pretty cool. His wife Nicky was amazing and managed to say a few words which must have required such strength. She had my total admiration.

There's been all manor of family frictions which are too complicated to go into here but needless to say, the family weren't invited to his wake so we all headed off to the pub to have a drink in Michael's memory.

RIP big man x

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