Thoroughbred Park

A trivia question to start. For anyone who thinks that they know the United States. What is the capitol of Kentucky...Lexington or Louisville? (Answer to follow.)

Since I was in Kentucky, I thought I should do some horse stuff. This series of bronze horses (life size) is in downtown Lexington. Impressive statues.

Then, I stopped by the Kentucky Horse Park, and shot a few real horses.

After leaving the park, I was 24 miles from Cincinnati when all hail broke loose. in driving rain, thunder, lightning, and hail. The smarter drivers pulled right off of the highway. The rest of us crept along at 25-30 miles per hour. It was a harrowing adventure, lasting 20-25 minutes.

By the time I hit the Ohio River, the storm had passed. I motored along, and pulled into my driveway at 5:15 p.m.

Hard to believe that yesterday I was staring into the eyes of an elk, and tonight I'm staring into the eyes of our chihauhau.

The answer? It was a trick question. Neither city is the capitol. The capitol is Frankfort. A couple more statues, and a picture of the Queen City can be seen by clicking on the link. Night night.

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