The Tongue Bath

I went a little out of my way on the way to Michigan, and went to the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.

During the day, I wanted to accomplish 4 things.

1. See a few waterfalls.
2. Get my Senior National Park Pass.
3. See some elk.
4. To stay on my feet.

Hey, 3 out of 4 ain't bad.

I saw 4 waterfalls, got my 10 dollar lifetime pass, and saw 17 elk in a field. But, with a daylong rain and mist, the rocks were slippery. Even being real careful, I slipped and fell backwards, hitting my left elbow, and my back. But, the only thing I hurt was my pride.

I waited 20 minutes for my other pictures to load on Flickr, but it was a no-go. I'll put them up when I get home.

Speaking of home, I'm 485 miles from my place. Without any traffic snafus, I should be home in time for supper. Night-night. Finally got through on Flickr. Have a look.

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