
By Kuifje

The Real Thing

She sat waiting at the circular table outside the cafe, looking out across the fountain and towards the sea. The salty breeze drifted through her hair and gently lifted the menu that lay under her right arm on the table top. The sounds of busy traffic could be heard somewhere in the distance, mainly drowned out by running water. It was hot, humid and she was waiting, for as long as it took.
"Can I get you anything?"
"Just a Coke. Plenty of ice." She watched as the young male waiter headed back through the labyrinth of tables adorned with umbrellas and into the dark interior of the cafe.

Time passed by, it didn't feel like an age. The cafe was calm and relaxing, it was almost a pleasure to wait. The Coke was cool, sweet, yet refreshing. She had always liked it as a kid. Twenty years of abstaining from its temptations seemed wasted as she drank her second of the afternoon. Rules were meant to be broken.

She didn't feel the need to move on, she had a feeling it would happen, the real things always do. Eventually she was rewarded. Out from underneath the distant traffic and trickling fountain water she could just make out the rhythmic sound of heels on cobbles.

With a smile, she nodded to herself. She'd know the sound of that walk anywhere. Worth waiting for. The real thing.

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