Our community Easter party today. First, hiding a million chocolate eggs, then the kids finding them and being persuaded not to eat them all before lunch. Lunch was a series of nibbles, then sausage and accoutrements. Mr B spent most of the day sitting in a bath of oats to sooth his bitten legs, so didn't attend (it's not his sort of thing) but there were about 80 folk there - neighbours, friends and family of neighbours and a bunch of folk from the surrounding area too.
And, as you can see, I had my first proper game of pétanque. That's my boule closest to the little piggie (cochonette). Turns out I'm ok at it, and my team won easily. When friendly banter started to edge to flirting, I have to confess I ran away and chatted to some women as well - I'm beginning (finally) to learn that around here standing around drinking and chatting to men gets you a reputation.
Anyway, it was a lovely sociable day; the sun shone and everyone had a little too much sun. Pea risotto for us for dinner, and a not too late night.
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