Rush rush rush!

God what a day. Up with the lark, dogs fed and walked then I had to hare off to Glasgow as I wanted to get new shock aborbers for #2 daughter's car. I didn't fancy going away for a weeks holiday and worrying about her driving a dodgy car! Final outcome was 2 front absorbers, 1 rear absorber, new brake discs and allignment bla bla you get the picture and the price was a little eye watering so the Visa got scorched! Im thinking if she gets full time work she will be best saving up for a deposit and getting a ne car like her big sis as it would be a) brand new b) not need an MOT for three years c) taxed and insured for a whole year with monthly payments of £180 and you get a new good working safe motor and its better than spending their money on drink etc.
Then had to hammer back up the road as e have still to pack for tomorrows trip to the island of Mersea. Got my cousin dog sitting and a professional dog walker to walk them as my cousin cant handle all three of them. Youngest daughter ill be here too but is working full time and away all day at least my cuz can feed them and let them to the garden till the dog walker comes for them. Sorted!
I also go my new toy today and will be taking it on holiday to play with it.
As I suspected all the blokes are siding with chubby hubby re the boat! but as one of them pointed out "at least hes not home under my feet" good thinking!
Well not sure if I can get access to blip as wont have my laptop, already I am seeing the advantage of and Ipad (maybe my next new toy)
Happy blipping all

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