Not a Pine Marten

This morning I checked my carefully baited bread and peanut butter to see if the Pine Martens had visited in the night.

They had not but the birds were enjoying the feast this morning. They ate all the peanut butter but left the bread. I will rebait and see what tonight brings. I liked this Robin in the morning light with the peanut butter bread also in shot.

A bit of a lazy day today while friends visited this morning with very young children. I had forgotten how little you can do with the very young.

In the afternoon we headed for Beauly but had to pass Ffords, my fav second hand camera shop, on the way. I could not pass by without going in and I could not look at all that lovely stuff without buying something. They did happen to have a long lens I have been looking at for some time so now I have a new toy.

Have a good weekend

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