Day 10 - All About the Cars

Today was the last real day of our adventure as tomorrow we head back to the UK. I'd assumed we'd be largely taking a drive up towards the Channel Tunnel but Annie had two more fabulous treats in store.

First was a visit to Cité de l’Automobile in Mulhouse, France. This is a fantastic collection of cars with a very interesting background story to how the collection came about. It's very much a French orientated collection but hugely impressive with over 400 cars on show including the largest known collection of Bugattis. The blip is a lovely Renault Alpine from the motor sport section of the museum collection.

After an extended stay in the museum, it was a blast up through France, a bit of Switzerland and back into Germany for the final treat. Tonight we're staying in a hotel located above the start/finish straight of the Nurburgring motor racing venue. Another location full of history it's an amazing place to have our last night's stay. Tomorrow morning there will be testing for the upcoming Nurburgring 24 hour race, we probably won't need an alarm clock. Here's the view this evening.

I'm so grateful to Annie for planning such an amazing and wonderful adventure over the last 10 days and what a place to end up. Hope you've enjoyed the photos over the last 10 days too.

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