not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

Well we got up this morning to showers it was ok for me as i had the housework to do and three lots of Ghost Adventures that i am addicted to do i dont know what i would do if i saw one more then likely run screaming

But Keith had some painting to do so he had to wait to dinner time to go and do it as it said by dinner the sun will be out and it was so off he went 

Me and Molly was just chilling when he rang to say he was coming to get us to sit in the garden where he was walking so that what we did it was lovely and sunny and warm 

Keith made me laugh he said he was painting the window sill and this pigeon kept on coming to sit on the sill while it was still wet but i think it got it's own back as it flew over it did what birds do and he missed me and hit keith . he came to settle again on the sill i bet he got a yellow bum

No cooking to night as chippy tea 

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