Because this is who I am

By Brighde

At the end of the day.

At the end of the day it's time to turn off the straighteners, put all the makeup back in the draw, throw your dead flowers out, moisturize your face and hit the hay. 

Today has been a glorious day as I have been shopping with my lovely friend Libby, who conveniently takes me home from work sometimes. She works there too, it's not like she's a taxi. Bless her. 

Anyways, spent way too much money on things that I don't need. Like a fold mirror or a candles. Well, actually both of those things are essential. 

Next week is quite a quiet one in comparison to normal days as I'm only at work on monday then I'm just swanning around seeing my friends and obviously going down to Manchester to see the boyf. Which involves takeaways and sitting in his pyjama pants with a duvet on the sofa, drinking copious amounts of wine. Living the life. 

Happy Blipping.

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