Kitchen Contents

I tend to be a bit compulsive about what is on our large kitchen island counter because it is also a bar with stools and part of the living area, dining area, and entry hall. However, I'm not that compulsive as I realized when I realized what I was having to move aside so that I could take a picture of the Lemon Pound Cake I made for a neighborhood barbecue this afternoon.

Here, in no particular order, is a list of the stuff I shoved out of the way:
A large beautiful bouquet of flowers from Dana's garden, a fruit bowl containing a wizened piece of ginger root and a questionable banana, a pile of letters, a bottle of St. Florian's IPA,, a cardboard box that says "plastic pipe fittings" containing fava bean shells, two beautiful Turkish coffee cups from Blipper Aynil in Istanbul, one of OilMan's endless lists, three pens, a pencil with stars on it, salt and pepper shakers, two packages of waterproof connectors (for connecting what?) a cloth bag from Blipper Lady Findhorn that says, "I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library" and a wooden bowl full of dog treats.

There is a low coffee table in the living room than is absolutely bare because Blake would try to eat anything we put on it. I guess we live the lives we live, and if we choose to live in an open plan house it's all out there in the open. Otherwise it would look like a hotel room….

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