
By momcat1

A new bird!

I decided whether or not the knee was still swollen , it was better enough I was going for a walk this AM. The hope was that I would come across the retail that has been around, but I decided to walk over to the river first to see how high it was and if there were any herons yet. The first thing I saw was a bald eagle just swinging past the bridge, followed by the first eastern phoebe of the year , then these little guys flitting around the bushes along the edge of the river.This is my first golden crowned kinglet! They are a tiny little olive green with a gold overtone and noticeable gold stripe on their head. Supposedly we are in the range where they can be found all year but they prefer conifer forests and they also winter in the South . I suspect these birds were just passing through  like their cousins the ruby crowned kinglets ,who I have only ever seen in spring or fall migrations. So I think as the migration seems to be in swing, Glenn is going to be going to Sapsucker woods at Cornell next weekend for warbler hunting!

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