40 years ago......

.......when I was a free spirit spending every spare minute in the hills climbing ,walking and fishing , I had a beard and moustache every bit as luxuriant as this Glasgow buskers !
And whist he is no longer young he has remained a free spirit ;and I salute him for that!
Don't be mean ;; I'm sure he doesn't go home to a semi in East Kilbride and watch Coronation Street !!!
But sadly over the years I have become respectable......a (lovely)wife who nailed my feet to the floor , two (lovely) children with hungry mouths to feed ; a mortgage to provide a roof over our heads ;and a proper job to pay for it all!!
And frequent trips to the barber because the proper job deemed it necessary!!   Sigh!!
But now that I am old older and a free spirit once again ,maybe I should get some drums and go busk.....and let my beard and moustache flourish again , and...and...and
Ah yes!   Well I know its grey now and there's not much on top !!!
Ah well :-(
but you have to admit it was a nice idea anyway !   Sigh!!
But I still wont let the barber trim my eyebrows !!!

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