
Weird sort of day today. Frustrating in a lot of places. Ben has been alternately whingy and shrieky, and lovely and funny and good company. He's been a little boy, and a big boy. He's going through some big developmental leaps at the moment I imagine. Coupled with being away from me twice a week... I need to go easier on him I guess. Let him work out all his feelings, figure things out, give him the space and security to allow him to process everything without a big stress.

Charley had berries for breakfast. He did REALLY well trying to pick up the strawberry halves. Determination and perseverance are excellent traits to be encouraging :) He's getting better at sitting every time he does it, and whereas before all he wanted to do when being held at playtime is stand up, now all he wants to do is sit down so he's getting a fair old bit of practice. His rolling skills are improving too, he regularly gets stuck on his tummy after rolling over... I need to start letting him figure out how to get back onto his back: I know he can do it because he does it when he's not thinking about it. We'll see...

Little Fishes was lovely this morning though. I do enjoy going there. Bit sad 'cause next week is half term and then there's only one more week before the church building is closed over the summer to allow roof repairs to be done. I really hope the mums that come along will continue to meet up on a Wednesday morning at various parks and whatnot.

After lunch we walked to the Post Office to send out the craft packs, and as Charley fell asleep on the way home I sent Ben into the front room to watch a movie while I did some painting. Even when Charley woke up he was content to play on his mat for a bit while I drew some more. Not entirely happy with the drawing but we'll see, it might grow on me as I tweak it and add bits to it!

Chicken fried rice for tea, cooked by Chef Stephen. Charley enjoyed toast, chicken and blueberries. Ben had cheese sauce and pasta. As usual! And then bedtime, where Ben pushed all my buttons to wind me up successfully so he was sent downstairs to sit with Steve who did a wonderful job of calming him down and settling him enough to come back to bed and fall asleep.

And Charley slept long enough for me to not only do all the washing up but also do some more drawing :)

Thursday tomorrow, 730th blip, day off (as in, we don't have any groups on a Thursday). What to do? Might make up some finger paints and do a big red balloon painting with Ben.... that could be quite fun...!

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