Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Sunday, April 12, 2015 -- Sea Debris

Late this afternoon we took the dogs for a walk along the edge of the shoreline. It's a favorite place for them and for us. 

We've noticed since Friday, or maybe Thursday when we got back to the coast, that there are many Velella-Velella washed onto the shoreline. We were not sure what they were, so we both put a photo on our Facebook pages asking "friends" what they might be. Right away we received suggestions. Here's an interesting story about them. 

Today I just thought the Velella-Velella mixed with strings of green seaweed and the amber teardrop-shaped sea plants looked rather pretty. Of course, they look much better in person than anything I could capture with my phone. 

As the season moves toward summer, this Central Coast shoreline will be littered with washed-up seaweed that at times will stink. The beach is very unlike southern California's beaches that have beautiful pristine sandy shores. 

The shoreline here seems to have seasons. From December through February we found lots of sea glass here on the shore. Now the Velella-Velella, and soon lots of seaweed. 

During this spring season, most mornings we watch the "kelp boat" come from the south traveling to the north side of this Estereo Bay to harvest kelp -- we think the kelp is for the abalone farm that is situated just north of Cayucos (but what do we know?).

Good night from
California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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