Proud Weegie

By Shiv

In progress

Hard to believe how much mess is created when you empty one room.  There are boxes piled up everywhere. Alternative sleeping arrangements have been made.

A day off work for me - which was very nice.  Shepherd's Pie made, Leek and potato soup - oh and No 3 talked me into buying her a skateboard !  I may regret that one.

No 3 and I went to the movies to see 'Home' which was fairly enjoyable - I was more excited that she worked out where I left my new scarf two months ago - (on No 3's birthday!) and it was still there when we went back to ask.

A grand day off work.  Nice to have the time to breathe in and out for a change.

Andy's working his magic in the wee weegie's room.  We like the colour ! Not a splash of pink in sight !

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