Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Camera Obscura

On the recommendation of a friend yesterday (and I am ashamed to admit that after 23 years of living in Edinburgh I have never been here) - No 3 and I visited the Camera Obscura on the Royal Mile.

Loads to see and do, although all the optical illusions messed with my eyes after a while....I was worried I would get a migraine ! No 3 loved it however.  Kept wanting to go back to favourite bits again and again.

A late lunch for us both after -( it's SO much cheaper lunching out with one child rather than 3 !) - and a spot of retail therapy.

We walked miles today.  Even managed Elevenses at the National Gallery.  A great day out.  I sometimes forget how much fun the chilblains can be when you are not rushing about hither and thither !

Big girls had study classes at school.

Back to work tomorrow (malheureusement).

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