That's all folks!

Today was my last day as a Traffic Data Technician, a mixed bags of feelings but an over-riding sense doing the right thing.

I started off visiting the depot at Griffin Lane to say goodbye to folk I've worked with and known for more years that I want to remember.  I even saw Andy, a manager from the 1990's and it was good to catch up with him, so much has changed for us both since then both professionally and personally.

My lovely team gave me a very quiet send off (phew) and thoughtful gifts of a Solitary Bee Hive and Simon gave me a fabulous garden Gnome, apparently the ladies in the shop where he brought him were sad to see him go as they had named him Adam after their manager!  I think he look more like a Peter don't you MerlotsDad :)

Shirley and Naomi took me out for a lovely chatty lunch and then I headed home feeling exhausted and quite emotional.

Thank you to all my friends at work, I shall miss you but I won't miss the Organisation.

Onward to new horizons

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