what we did today...

By SarnieV

Blast bunkers!

A fab trip to Museum of Flight over in East Fortune with a uni pal. She was up in Edinburgh on her hols and the day after tomorrow heads to teach in Switzerland - lucky thing! I've not seen her for over 10 years so it was lovely when it was like we'd only seen each other last week - apart from the wrinkles :-D

It's a great museum - a good mix of cool planes and bits of grass for good run around! Here the guys are being "someone" as they run like lambs up onto a hill.

The day was completed with collecting A from work and going to Vittorias for tea. Lovely for him to catch up w Bev too - they both love history so had a lovely natter about Tudors and Stuart's and Catholics ...as you do. It meant I got D's left over choc icecream :-D

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