what we did today...

By SarnieV

Glorious day!

Glorious day full of outsideness.

Had a run with C while D had his swim lesson. We made our 5k target - C happy to just run first 2.5k and then we did a bit of walk/run thing. Then boys went to cricket camp for couple hours while I caught up on washing/work admin. Back home for bite of lunch before heading out for a walk in the Penicuik Estate with some pals. All 4 boys took light sabres and battled many a baddie. We were out for 2 hours, so the boys well n truly exercised!

Hill reps up at hillend with the harriers this eve - topped up my 5k from this morn with 5 reps up a very steep hill.

Today's blip is from our run this morning.

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