at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


It was sunny today, but cold. We drove down to the beach at Grunyard, Ivy wsa very impressed with the sand, and then set off on a mission down to the water- which took her a while as the tide was out.

After we were all too cold to stay on the beach anymore, we drove along to Gairloch and discovered a really nice coffee shop with a conservatory that was tropically warm. Ordered Ivy her own cup of hot milk. Euan spotted Peter Higgs and got a little bit excited (but was too celebrity shy to go say hello).

Had a very funny conversation with Ivy this evening over her breastfeed when she was disagreeing with me about what side she wanted. I said 'this side' and she said 'no, this side;. In the end she agreed with me- then I asked her if she was done, and she shook her head, so I asked again and she popped her head off and said 'soon' before going back on. It'll be odd feeding newborns and not being able to have conversations with them halfway through. 

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