at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

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This face is going to get poor Ivy into trouble at some point. it's her 'funnny face' which she does to make us laugh (and it does.... ALOT), problem is she quite often does it after we've had a conversation with her about her behaviour, because she wants to make us laugh again- but it just looks like she's sulking at being told off. Oh well, we think it's funny and cute, no matter how grumpy she looks to the rest of the world.
Ivy woke up this morning with only one thing on her mind- her 'showa-doh' (sour dough) bread that she and Euan had made yesterday. It was in the oven when she went to bed and she didnt' see it come out. This morning she woke up Euan with shouts of 'showa-doh' 'oben tem-tuh' and apparently as soon as she reached the kitchen went over to the oven door to look for it. 

Had to go to inverness today for a scan, which we only found out about 3 hours before. I'd been told we could go back to fortnightly scans, but apparently not. Everything was fine on the scan, and Ivy who was in the wrap on Euans front was very well behaved and pleased to see her sisters (she shouts SISTERSSSSS)

Took her to Simpsons garden center for some food after, and let her see the fish (who needs to pay to go to deep sea world....)

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