Trial and Error

By DawnC


Every time I drive into our road at the moment a bit more bunting has appeared. We were overseas when this all happened ten years ago so it's a whole new experience...

Last night I answered the door to a guy I assumed was a door-to-door salesman. I was about to give him my usual short shrift when he said, "Hi, I'm Bob from number 12", which threw me somewhat (we've only been here nine and a half years). Anyway, it turns out he's one of the organisers of our street party next Monday and he was dropping off the instructions. It all seems to be very professionally organised indeed, I must say.

This morning, over breakfast, Son2 and I were going through the list and noticed the bit about bringing along CDs to play. I said we'd have to think of something appropriate. "How about God Save The Queen by the Sex Pistols?", he said. That'll do nicely ;)

Anyway, tonight it's our Senior Partner at work's retirement do. It's entirely possible that the aforementioned song will get played....

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