
By Mindseye

Noisy Neighbour!

Meet Dave, he is our good friend and our neighbour. He and his wife are the other half of our pub quiz team!

We always have discussions and banter when at the pub quiz and last week we got onto the subject of noise. Dave was saying that he always tries to be quiet when putting their wheelie bins out......to which Hub replied something along the lines of "wouldn't be so bad if you didn't leave it until midnight" by which time we are usually in bed, and can hear Dave rumbling their bin down the sideway! Daves response was he always forgets........even though all eight houses in the drive have theirs out during the previous day or evening. This was all said in good humour you understand :-)

Anyhow this afternoon hub was sat reading the paper after lunch, and I heard him start laughing, he called out to me to come and see this........so I rushed into the lounge, and there was Dave, putting his bins out, earlier than anyone else, with no reminder, hence his mock elation! Unbeknown to him, I grabbed my camera and waited for him to come back with their second bin, and sure enough, the same celebrations took place addressed to hub, through our lounge window, at which point I jumped out from behind our bay and snapped him :-)

We will be off to the quiz again tonight, we've had a third and a second, but not won for a few weeks, so fingers crossed.

Good news on youngest sons eye, pressure is down to 10, without any meds following his op. It is inflamed, which is apparently because it's trying to heal the drainage hole they made, so he has been given Steroid drops to stop the healing process. Other than that, they are very happy with it, so it's all systems go for his good eye, op next Monday! So fingers crossed all over again!!!!

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