Ashmolean Museum

Spent most of the day in this museum in Oxford. We saw an exhibition of Great British Drawings and Love Bites caricatures by James Gillray. Both were excellent exhibitions.
This Elizabethan tapestry was made in about 1660 and was ordered by a wealthy landowner Ralph Sheldon for his new house at Weston Warwickshire. It is a map of Oxfordshire based on Saxton's survey of the 1570's. It was one of 6 map wall tapestries and I chose this as Kintbury is where my mother lives and it was fascinating to see how the size of villages has changed over time.
After that we went to the Bodleian Library saw a wonderful exhibition of  Marks of Genius, including illustrated manuscripts, drawings, writings, first editions and Pliny Natural History
We then visited Balliol college - what a beautiful place of learning. Then we walked down to Christ College meadows, saw Juliet Stevenson(!) walked along The Cherwell and watched punts,had a meal and then drove back to Lincolnshire.
A very full inspiring day.

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