Changing of the Guard

We visited the area to the south of Table Mountain today, going as far as the Cape of Good Hope/Cape Point. Such majestic scenery! It was an unforgettable day, at the end of an unforgettable 6 weeks away, in South Africa and Namibia.

This South African penguin was in the process of changing places with her mate, looking after their newly hatched chicks. It was a thrill to see new life happening, right before our eyes. The penguin rookery at False Bay is well worth a visit, as is the trek up to the Lighthouse at Cape Point. 

Thanks so much everyone for all your support and wonderful comments and stars and hearts over the 6 weeks I've been away. I feel very humble that you've kept on coming back to look, when I've not been commenting back. And I'm utterly delighted that so many of you liked so many of the images!! Thanks very much again.
It's off to the airport now . . . . . back home to Christchurch NZ.

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