
By CharlotteJ

Self Employed!

Good job I am self employed. (although I still have regular responsibilities and commitments) Today I was glad for being able to decide what I do, how I do it and keep within my promises!

Tess hasn't had a bite to eat for the last two days.  Didn't think too much of it.   Thought she was being overly fussy.  Last night though the dribble told me all I wanted to know!!  Got her mouth open to find a horrible mess.  I have Metacam in the cupboard, so made an executive decision and gave her allowed her to drink some water and settle. 

Called the vets bang on 8am.  We got an apt at 10am.  Tess was sedated shortly after and at 12:30 Vets called to say she had torn her tongue. On what we do not know. 

I collected her at 4pm.  She was still wobbly at 7pm....she didn't appreciate the camera in her face, but she was part of my day so makes my blip. 

My tooth, in other news, is so much better!  Tomorrow no excuses, I have a run to do! 

Happy Friday everyone.  xx

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