
By Madchickenwoman

Poorly Estelle

Well this is so not what I intended or wanted to blip today - poorly Estelle - the unexpected guest in my school resources storeroom! I had noticed in the morning that she was not looking her usual sprightly self. The girls are having their fence moved this week to give them access to fresh grass, but until then I used the spare fence to give them entry to the plot next to mine which is unclaimed and full of lush grass! All the other girls came hot footing it over and disappeared gleefully in the long grass. Estelle remained hunched by the coop. I picked her up and took her to the grass, turning over a large stone where a whole family of woodlice were sheltering - she happily gobbled them up and I felt easier about her.
On returning this evening all the girls gathered round for their nightime treat of corn - did a head count - 21. Found Estelle hunched in a nesting box in the coop, I picked her up and offered her corn - she just looked at it, so I took her ouside the fence and gave her an egg - which she ate greedily, but I then gave her a good feeling over and realised her crop was distended like an inflated balloon. So upside down she went and I massaged down her throat till she was sick, popped her back in the coop, did the chores then scooped her up and made her sick again then took her home with me. Quite surreal driving with a chicken perched on the passenger seat next to you!
I put her in the porch with some natural yogurt whilst I got the dog cage ready for her. When I went to get her I discovered she had laid an egg in its membrane with the outer shell all scrunched up like empty skin. So I gave her the egg to eat, forgetting I had an egg in my trouser pocket! After I had locked the chickens up and had Estelle under my arm  I discovered it outside the coop so had put it in my pocket! Let me tell you, broken egg in your trouser pocket is particularly messy! 
So Estelle will be saying with me till she is hopefully better. As you can see she has grit to break down anything that is stuck in her crop like long grass and causing the build up of fluid, yogurt to restore some natural fauna to help combat any nasties lurking in there, eggs for protein rich sustenance, egg shells to give her much needed calcium and  water to rehydrate her! Plus a few of my chickens from the school resources boxes to keep her company!!! 
Once Fat cat discovers her presence she will hide in the attic - she hates visitors! I will keep her away from Milly and Tilly just in case she has anything she might pass on to them. 
These were the other photos I took today - a me day! 3 hours on the allotment this am, pulling up dandelions, cutting back raspberry canes, making a big bonfire I will have fun lighting sunday evening! An hours walk with portly Lucy, admiring the hedgerows, me and her! Processing of photos, buying Monkfish from the fishman who calls every month or so with frozen wonders! Then I must admit a long nap, where I dreamt of genocide and my car hand brake not working and my car rolling away from me! Not sure if this was because I fell asleep listening to the radio and the awful news about what has been happening in Syria with the use of chlorine gas, or my feeling of being trapped/ events unfurling beyond my control. 
So - any thoughts re dream significance or health of chickens gratefully received. Or you can look at happier photos of chickens and hedgerows here!I rather liked the train photos! 

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