New View, Dokki, Cairo

The old lady of a building in the glass wall has never been reflected in this way before but now with the windows just having gone into the new building alongside, she gets a chance to see what her profile's like . . . hope she likes what it sees!

Sunday departure days are always busy but enjoyable. The sun was out this morning as I leant out of our fourth floor window to blip Dd and her colleague on their way to work - the first day of their new course - then off to the supermarket for the big shop including two large boxes of heavy bottles of water and loads of milk cartons, and fruit and tins and so on including a new mop. Then it was off to the laundry to pick up and put in, chatting with the cleaning lady, a visit to the bank machine to leave Dd in funds, before heading off to Zamalek to buy the English language newspapers and flowers for the flat. I particularly love it there in the mornings with the shops all alive with people out after the weekend and the coffee shops abuzz with colleagues catching up on news. The sun was out, the air clean and the Nile blue. What more could a buddy ask for!

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