Clockmill Lane

Another Sunday, another ascent of Arthur's Seat, another shot with climbing buddy Baz (Not to be confused with IainatCreel's cat).

I originally said I'd meet him at 2, but events conspired against me (no not the hangover, that was long gone by then). I said I'd take back her son's bike with it's broken back derailleur to Evans and see if they would fix it under warranty. They wouldn't... Then I had to negotiate a bunch of road closures, before eventually rocking up at 1440... Oops.

We strode off down Clockmill Lane to do a clockwise circuit of the Seat from due north, before dropping down the west side and wandering along the top of Salisbury Crags. A chill easterly wind was coming in off the North Sea, but we strode round in fine style, a good stretch of the legs.

Black paint on stone, faded, no date, the 3 stripes above but no underline.

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