
Up and out at the crack of dawn, or at least that is what it felt like.
Lee''s cousins son was being christened.
Met Uncle John, Auntie Katie and Lucy there and the girls and Wom all sat and listened beautifully, Munchie went off with Uncle John and Auntie Katie to the childrens group, felt a bit weird being without her, but she loved it.

Went to the party after then headed back home as we had a lunch date to go to too.

Lovely lunch, amazing roast potatoes. Hard going with boht Munchie and Wom as they had both had to sit still for the service then had had some freedom at the party, but not as much as normal, then being expected to sit at the table for lunch.

Home, played, lots of cuddles from tired babies.

Lee away for a few nights, dread it on the Sunday, but know we will be OK.

Love Wom's expression in this blip.

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