I've got my eye on uou

6am wake up
Just about got her back to sleep then stood on the creaky floorboard. What's that?
And that was it

Into our bed, cuddles, more cuddles.

Got up and dressed and headed to the French delicatessen for breakfast. Spent small fortune, home. Ate delicious breakfast of ham and cheese croissant, followed by some exceedingly yummy olives.

Things then went wrong. Charlotte hit tired, mummy hit tired. Daddy tried to put Munchie back to bed, she wasn't having any of it. I on the other hand was much more compliant! Charlotte settled around 10:30, I think I was about 10:00. We both slept.

Neighbours came round for playdate, Charlotte slept. Neighbours left. I woke Charlotte up and we had lunch in the garden. Played, bounced, dug, watched, stickered.

Ate tea

Headed to pub with the neighbours. Charlotte and the neighbours niece had a blast playing together, enjoyed even more when another friend arrived too.

Home, bath, daddy on milk duty. Tea and now I'm back in bed.

Today's blip is of us chilling in the lounge watching Peppa and of Charlotte trying to drink juice from a carton and simultaneously suck her thumb!

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