a return

By winterwren

windflower 2

in keeping with the tradition of a different white flower blipped every day, i downloaded today's options, a columbine and a pink, for the nightly dinner conversation and vote.  that never came to be.

late this afternoon i looked out my kitchen window at yesterday's windflower sitting at eye level atop our wood pile.  a slight breeze came up and flower moved ever so lightly and stilled again.  i knew i had to blip it.  

revived from yesterday's cutting, the windflower faced skyward today.  the light was soft and the exposure quite long.  i set up the shot as i did yesterday and took some stills.  this is the shot you see here.

i went on to attempt to capture the trails of wind from this flower.  it is certainly experimental and not refined.  i pressed the shutter long enough to capture the still flower (2 seconds), then blew on the flower for another 8. quite like blowing out birthday candles.  then i would rest, let my head clear and do it again.  here are the results.  windflower 2a

a good day blipping.  tried something new.

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