Standing out from the Crowd

Hey you! Lady with the earphones stuck in your ears and an iphone in your hand!
So you thought you would blip this sea of white narcissi, but lo and behold I have spoiled the picture with my distinctive yellow daffodil-ness Don't for a moment think that this was my intention.
Have you any idea what it feels like to be the only yellow daffodil amongst all these über pretty white narcissi? Let me tell you. It is a very lonely existence. I have outlived my natural sell by date and feel threatened by this bunch of new kids on the block.

Well, now that you have recorded my discomfiture on that phone thing, jog on.
A Lycra wearing short dumpy woman amongst those whippet skinny young things flashing past on long legs may make you feel just as different as I in this swathe of the beautiful ones.

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