
Not only has His Lordship developed a chesty rattle along with many others similarly afflicted, but the car has developed one too; maybe not so much a rattle but more of a clunk when going over the innumerable potholes which litter our roads in this fair city.

It has been in the garage getting a diagnosis and despite various costly treatments, is still clunking. We bailed it out today as we need it tomorrow, but it will go back for more extensive treatment at the end of the week.

On the way to collect it, we popped into the Newington library to see the latest papier mâché sculpture made by the anonymous artist who regularly leaves these tiny models in places where words are important such as the poetry Library, the national Library and Riddles Court.

This one was created to celebrate the opening after refurbishment of the library and is much bigger than usual.
There is considerable symbolism in the bird's positioning on the book and the cage in which it stands.

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