twinned with trumpton


And back after what seemed like a week off (so much crammed into a weekend)

Office day, lovely commute on the road bike; a morning of trying to fashion something resembling a day's work for Tuesday, minor migraine mid morning, which subsided.

Met up with Jaybroek at lunchtime for a potter about; very enjoyable distraction from work nonsense, and then back to succumb to migraine part 2; avoided the Service Plan meeting and then left promptly at 4. Whereupon I felt better. Coincidence? I doubt it....

Picked up a bike from Neill, sorted out #PoP4 - electric cargo bike! and then took her to the supermarket.

Eventually got in around 8, ate, collapsed. zzzzzzz

This was the sunset as I got home. Cheap and easy; no energy to hunt for something more interesting.

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