twinned with trumpton


Easter Holidays Day #3

Another sunny day. Everyone up around 7, and pretty much immediately we were outside, hiding eggs. G did the boys - and the boys did hers.

Minor strops about who was helping who, but lots of happy laughing excitement. Dewy sunny bright morning with oyster catchers cries mixed with whoops and yells.

Breakfast then we went to Hoxa Head; it's a good wander round for kids cos you can explore as many or as few of the old gun placements and lookout stations as you want. Add in a ferry, the best of Flotta, birdlife, the sun sparkling on the sea and a bunch of choc filled kids - it was a good couple of hours. Tom and G charged off ahead, constantly chattering, conspiring about 30 yards ahead, the other three chatting, slower, relaxed, soaking up the sunshine, the views.

Roast chicken lunch - devoured after the morning fresh air, and the afternoon was mostly around the cottage; kids fed the ponies, adults packed what we could and then I bundled the kids off to the park and the Sands of Wright and the shop for wine whilst she had another couple of hours of peace. We came back to find her lying in a sleeping bag in the sun. Sunbathing Orkney style....

Dinner was pasta, then the kids did yetanother show, bathed, story, bed.

G again was - angry. Clearly been primed by her father and feeling hugely insecure and disloyal, stuck between his words and the reality of what she sees. Still, all asleep at a decent hour, three happy days behind us, an epic A9 journey ahead.

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