Morning sparkle

Sparkie (my elderly rescued British Shorthaired cat) can  manage a night on her own, but does worry a bit, so I set off to catch a fairly early train back to the Midlands.

Again it was shimmering light - beautifully intense with such delicious blue sky.

This was Tavistock Square, as I walked back to Euston from the Hotel Russell (where I had managed a bargain deal).

It was a great treat.  "Il Turco in Italia" was amazing.  Even the snooty papers had given in four or five star ratings ! It was a very old opera brought up to modern Italy, with slapstick and surprises, great humour and terrific timing.

 A Vespa. A Cinquecento. Mistaken identity taken to silly lengths. A cruise ship for the Turk to arrive on.  A plane with an advertising slogan.  A very dishy young man in skimpy swimsuit, honing his tan.  And brilliant vocal and orchestral work. Just such marvellous fun to round off yesterday.

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