Seagulls and crap

I took a few photos today and there were a few I liked, but I chose this one because I can relate it to something unpleasant that happened to me today... I think you can guess...

I woke up reasonably early for a day off and the weather was beautiful. l managed to go to the gym reasonably early as well.

Back home I washed my hair and I went out to do my shopping. Well, guess what happened to me as soon as I left the flat... a stupid bird crapped on my just washed hair!!!! Grrrrr!!! Just for the record, it takes me about twenty minutes to wash my hair, and it was not fun!

Wiped it off as best as I could with a tissue, but I had to wash my hair again. This actually made me a little bit late for the pub later on, as I was meeting a couple of friends for a drink while we watched the Barça-Paris SG game. It was not a biggie, though. I was just well pissed off about the crappy incident.

Anyway... My hair is very clean now as it's been washed twice!

Back to work tomorrow..

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars, I hope you all had a good day and no bird crapped on you! :)

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