
By Farmerboab

Tractor Tuesday

Dry but still chilly first thing. When feeding the outside cows,noticed the barley and oats just starting to peek through the surface. By tonight when I went back,you could see it had grown today.
The last soup lunch of the season in the village hall. The parsnip soup was so good that I went back for more ! Also took 3 dozen duck eggs and left them for folk to take. They didn't take long to vanish !
On the slurry today. The field I'm working in has a very steep brae face to get up to the level bit. Was nearly stuck a few times,and it made the tractor grunt .The wind was coming from the East tonight,so I will be upsetting a whole new lot of neighbours with the smell.
Up date on the fly tipping- police Scotland left a message saying that they don't attend this type of thing and I should phone the council. Phoned the "Dumb Dumpers Hotline",who took all the same details I gave the plods last night. Will see what happens now !

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