Tuesday in Tokyo

I woke late, meandered about and didn't leave the apartment until it was really too late to do anything.

I went up the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building nearby which allows free access to the top floor, 45 up from the ground. The views are of a sprawling urban landscape with mountains to one side and the infamous Mount Fuji buried in clouds. The weather ain't great...

I tried to get to a big, famous temple but couldn't find it. I did find a big Muji shop (a different kind of temple) and spent a very pleasant 45 minutes in there, mostly browsing and feeling pleased to have bought two new notebooks and two mechanical pencils for the princely sum of less than a fiver. You can take the girl out of first grade... I spent the rest of the time walking, catching up on here, fb and a few emails.

The very best part of the day was spent in conversation with a dear, wise friend who gently reminded me that this was my holiday. I'd felt a lot of pressure to 'make the most' of Tokyo, been given long lists of things to do (which I asked for - mea culpa) and generally felt an expectation to be on the go go go.

It ain't gonna happen. I write this early on Wednesday afternoon. I've been on the road for three weeks and have travelled a fair bit since I left home. I've seen some great sights and have visited more temples than I can keep track of. I have an enormously long flight home coming up on Saturday. I'm going to do the things I want to do - sit in the odd café, wander about, take some photos. That's it. If other things pop up, fabulous.

I would like to thank my dear, wise friend for such good counsel and for listening to me moan and be grumpy. Thank you. I value you and your friendship more than I can say.

More as a reminder to myself...


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