Long Exposure Tactics....

I have worked out how to do a reasonable LE of the lad......(well not LE as such but when the light is low I need to leave my shutter open longer as I am not such a fan of grainy shots)....We now play statues........'OK Flynn be a statue......OK you can move now'....sounds easy but it took rather a long time because quite a few shots were taken to get a decent sharp one. 
Anyone watching would of been rather entertained.

Sorry for the Flynn nearly every day....I think Ive said before that I love landscapes but to me they are always so much better with him in it....oh and Rumi too.....who is maybe on the mend...still looking for that four leaf clover.
I have posted this from Longfelow before but it suits my day.

“And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares, that infest the day,
Shall fold their tents like the Arabs,
and silently steal away.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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