A Stroll Along The Wall & A Stroke of Genius

.........Decided to head down to Wall for a blip patrol...I hadn't been here for a while...mostly because...It is a dog unfriendly place...however I threw caution to the wind and soon forgot about breaking the law as the beautiful sky drew me like a magnet.

I reckon that I am an absolute genius (most would disagree). 
It is really hard to take pics and carry bags of Rumis poo at the same time...so today I tied the bag onto his collar and he carried it himself...at first it dangled too low but when I tied it on nice and tight he didn't seem to mind in the least. Jaiya was absolutely disgusted and called me cruel...then I met a woman who thought it was a great idea....Im actually thinking of getting some miniature saddle bags to fit the dog for additional jobs he can do to pay for all of his vet bills.....hahahahahahahaha.

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
Marilyn Monroe

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