Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Winter Sparrow...

I think the white-throated sparrow is one of my favorite winter birds.  They arrive early in the fall and stay fairly late in the spring, before heading north to breed.  They have a wonderful song, probably the sweetest of any the sparrows and, in fact, any bird.  Migrants from further south are coming through our area now and in a few weeks they'll all probably be gone.  This one is freshly molted and in fine feather.  It's brilliant yellow lores and it's snappy striped cap making a nice contrast to its crisp white throat.  Is it any wonder they are among my favorites?

My other two favorite shots, taken this morning from the deck:
Singing Finch
bright yellow American goldfinch

As I write this, the rain has started.  There is a blue jay in the shrub right outside my window, not minding the rain a bit.  He's making the soft little noises that you rarely hear from blue jays - probably talking to a mate nearby.  

This morning I went out with my summer walking/nature group.  The sun was out and we spent a very enjoyable couple of hours walking, photographing and chatting.  We saw a surprising number of birds, considering that the larger numbers of migrants aren't here yet.  Still, we saw blue/gray gnatcatchers, ruby-crowned kinglets, lots of purple and gold finches along with song and white-throated sparrows and the usual chickadees, woodpeckers, etc.  

I have canceled my trip to Delaware this weekend.  It pained me to do it as I was really looking forward to spending some time with two birding buddies down there, but I am too tired and in too much discomfort to make the trip. I started the antibiotics for Lyme last night and I know that I am going to feel a little less than great for a week or so until they start working.  

So, instead I am going to rest up here at home.  And, on Friday morning, I am going to bring the newest member of our family home.  We are adopting a yellow tabby named Charlie from some friends who are moving to London!  I figure that since I will be home all weekend, it will be a good time to introduce him to Phoebe, and to supervise their "get acquainted" period.  If you know cats, you know that they don't always take well to additions to the family!  I won't traumatize Charlie by trying to photograph him right away, but I have promised his current mom that I'll be sure to take lots of pics once he gets settled.  

Tomorrow I am meeting a friend for a couple of hours for some photos - then off to see a new podiatrist.  

Hyacinth and primroses in the garden are all blooming now and the daffodils are passing their peak.  I bought a few pots of gerberas today just to add some splashes of color - they are one of my favorite summer annuals.  Couldn't resist snapping a few shots including this one


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